In many case customers already have a large set of automated tests; these can be built using common specific frameworks or their own scripts.
XStudio can scan existing test repositories and load them into its DB.
This way you don't have to declare them manually and don't have to check that they work. It saves you an enormous amount of time and energy.
How to achieve this?
Notion of root path
When you do a scan, it relies on an "execution configuration".
This configuration includes a test root path that indicates where all the tests stand on the agent (the machine) where they are going to be executed
When you create a test session you select an agent and the configuration you want to use.
When a session starts executing, for each test, XStudio launches the right launcher (the stub that starts your test scripts), on the right AgentH. It then launches the script that it finds by concatenating the root path, with the relative path configured for each test (also called the canonical path at test level)
This way, you can define your tests in XStudio and, depending on the configuration, the system will know where to find the physical scripts on disk.
When you scan for some physical scripts the goal is exactly the opposite: you need to pick the information from the disk then import it to the XStudio database.
So you use a configuration that indicates where you try to find the test scripts. XSTudio then scans recursively from the root path and find all scripts that match a defined extension pattern. For each one it finds, it creates the test in XStudio , with the required information for the relative path.
As examples, if you do the scan from a linux machine, use the configuration with /home/John/my_tests, if you run the scan from a windows computer use the configuration with C:/Users/John/my_tests